We are very excited about posting our first entry on our new blog! Lately we have been doing a lot of social media activities, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and getting a blog is our latest addition.
The main purpose of this blog is for you to get to know us little bit more and for us to present you our latest activities and endeavours.
Over the last 15 years, Ocean Translations has seen many changes and grown to the company it is today with its 35 in-house translators, reviewers and proof readers as well as a team of 6 graphic designers, and all supported by 8 Project Managers! And of course our many freelancers around the world!
With this blog, we will keep you updated on our latest projects, our participations at conferences around the world and we will be publishing articles on subject matters connected to our work, such as translation and interpretation, machine translation post-editing, Spanish language and medical translations to name a few.
Please leave us a comment or contact us, we will be very happy to discuss your language needs or issues.
Happy reading!