The 2 Most Used Languages on Twitter

It is official English and Spanish are the 2 most used languages on Twitter. It was confirmed earlier this month by Victor Garcia de la Concha, director of the Spanish international institution: Cervantes Institute.

TwitterSpanish, with its 500 million speakers, is already the third most used language on the Internet but this new report “Spanish in the World” confirmed the second place of the Spanish Language on Twitter (It is important to remember that Twitter is banned in China!).

Despite this amazing evolution, the growth potential for users of Spanish continues to be outstanding given that more than 60 percent of Latin Americans are still not on the web.

In addition the global demand for Spanish has grown, according to the report, last year the enrollments for courses in this language increased by 8%. About 18 million people now learn Spanish around the world and if this growth is maintained, in three or four generations, 10% of the world population will be Spanish speaker and the United States will be the country with the largest Spanish-speaking population.

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