Human Rights Terminology

On the occasion of the Sakharov Prize award on 14th December 2011, the Terminology Coordination Unit of DG TRAD (European Parliament) has prepared an indicative collection of terms belonging to the Human Rights domain for which the European Parliament has a leading role in IATE (the EU interinstitutional terminology database). This booklet serves as an example of what terms are included in IATE and how they are presented in IATE, each term having equivalents in all 23 official languages.
If you wish to find out more about their unit, they invite you to visit their external webpage:, where among others you can access their recently published Human Rights Booklet. If you are interested in printed copies, please do not hesitate to contact them as they can deliver any printed booklets by post.


DG TRAD – Terminology Coordination

SCH 06A010
European Parliament

L-2929 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

email: dgtrad.termcoord(at)

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