ApSIC – Spanish spellcheck

New Feature – Instant Spellchecking from ApSIC Xbench QA available for Spanish

ApSIC have just released a set of ApSIC Xbench QA plug-ins to add a spellchecking feature to the QA process.

Here are the instructions  (from ApSIC blog)

To install the spellchecking plug-in,simply copy the contents of the language’s .zip file into ApSIC Xbench’s installation directory (typically, C:Program FilesApSICXbench).
Once you have copied the files, you will notice that next time you start ApSIC Xbench, an additional entry named Spellcheck appears in the Check Group box.
If the Spellcheck item is checked, next time you click Check Ongoing Translation, a spellchecking window will appear:
Each misspelling variant is listed only once and the Instances column indicates how many actual segments are affected by the listed misspelling. Using this window, you will indicate which items are real misspellings by double-clicking them to move them to the Real Misspellings list box on the right.

Once you have reviewed the list of potential errors, click OK to close the window. Segments with misspellings will be listed among the rest of QA results and you will be able to use the Edit Source feature to get right to the offending segment.

Also interesting are Exclusions, which can be useful for some type of texts prone to false alarms.

You have the ability to change the working mode by right-clicking and choosing Settings->Change Working Mode to indicate false alarms instead of real misspellings (which working mode will require fewer clicks will depend on the type of text you are spellchecking).

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